Wednesday, 27 November 2019


Sign up using Facebook. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. The steps below show the installation for Debian. Delete User Account File: To verify the signature, the corresponding keys need to be installed too. Using hponcfg what a lifesaver! This wasn't an issue for many years when the most common networking interface was Gigabit Ethernet. ilo hponcfg

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Command Line Access Command: I ask this because deployed out in the field, I have a ProLiant DL Gen 9, that for whatever reason, wasn't shipped with the optional iLO Management Port kit, that provides a dedicated iLO port; that all of our servers typically have.

Post as a guest Name. Tools Administration Pack 1.

hponcfg - Configure HP iLO interface using hponcfg — Ansible Documentation

Get Network Settings File Path: Sign up using Facebook. May 25, 2 Comments.

Where does the configuration file live and what can I configure in it? The hponcfg utility is an online configuration tool used to set up and reconfigure the local iLO without requiring a reboot hponfg the server operating system. You are visiting this site using. Server Fault works best with JavaScript enabled.

Set the iLO password from Linux using hponcfg - Experiencing Technology

Ansible Tower — How to Backup and Restore. At June 27, at 8: From my point of view, your LOM setting is already correct for your server's configuration. This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.

ilo hponcfg

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Anyways great write up, your efforts are much appreciated. I was able to adjust the Gateway IP to the correct address and Join 29 other followers Follow.

Improving the question-asking experience.

How to get or set iLO details from Linux and Windows (when you lost iLO access)

Read more of my posts on my blog at https: This wasn't an issue for many years when the most common networking interface was Gigabit Ethernet. Execute the configuration as below with our xml file. Ansible — Part 8 — Managing Facts.

ilo hponcfg

How do I keep secret data in my playbook? Thank you very much for taking the time to write it!

So if anyone could give any information on how a specialist could use these commands and anything helpful in general on these commands. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account.

ilo hponcfg

Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. It can be used to retrieve and change the iLO configuration hponcfv the local server from the linux command line. To write the current iLo configuration simply open a cmd prompt and execute the following command: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Reconfigure iLo network settings using HPONCFG

This article will give you an idea about the differences. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Using hponcfg what a lifesaver!

Can you post how to pass dynamic information to the Linux command using python script and hponcfg? Sign up using Email and Password.

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