Saturday, 30 November 2019


To see what things look like, or how it was eventually discovered, create a Phone Backup from the web interface and open up the. Another interesting tidbit, when you are using the VVX phones with Teams Only and perform a firmware update, the user may need to go through the Web Signin process again. Anyway, process of elimination, looks like a legacy entry, use. If you are reading this post, I hope you are proficient enough with editing the registry with out blowing it up. So, either be proactive, or prepared to make the changes to your Tenant by July 1st Jan 15, Just posting the links as they come available for authorizing vendors of choice in regards to the Microsoft posting about new requirements for OAuth 2. Users can select the pairing mode in the Web Configuration Utility or in the Features menu on the phone. polycom btoe 3

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Poly aka Polycom — http: This sign in option is available only for Skype for Business Online deployments. And no in no particular order: The following command impacts the 5.

Polycomm can configure Device Lock on the Skype for Business server or using Polycom parameters on a centralized provisioning server.

polycom btoe 3

Another interesting tidbit, when you are using the VVX phones with Teams Only and perform a firmware update, the user may need to go through the Web Broe process again.

Please be sure to upgrade your firmware if you are runing 5.

polycom btoe 3

The biggest item in my opinion is the QoE reports generated by the phones and feed to the Skype Monitoring servers. Be mindful of the BToE software, 3.

polycom btoe 3

If you happen to have a VVXtoast the Video Codecs as well, the byoe that came with the phone last worked in a Lync environment. Once the AudioCodes was locked down to only negotiate G.

And considering I was testing out the re-released Firmware for the 5.

Download and Install the Polycom BToE Connector

There would sometimes be one way audio, or mostly no audio at all, but the call was connected. Even phones which were already authenticated prior to the update, were no longer able to sign in. It works for me but I am waiting to see if I need permission to share how to set that up.

Of course there is the Skype branded UI interface. Yealink — Coming Soon https: This feature also enables you to query the QoE status of a phone from the Web Configuration Utility Device Lock — You can configure phones to polycok protected with a lock code that enables users btor access personal settings from different phones.

Oh, wait, is a matching code, but the codec is all wrong. New Call Transfer User Interface Option — In this software version, users who transfer calls can more easily choose between Blind and Consultative transfers. As of June 29,the online build version being deployed is 5. Device Lock — You can configure phones to be protected with a lock code that enables users to access personal settings from different phones.

Anyways, I flipped my global config to the 5. Easy enough to fix though, just added additional settings to my custom config to set and null the upgrade server setting. Forthly, we need to add the following entries to the phone configuration as they are ploycom exposed in the Web GUI.

Enter in the IP address of your phone and click Pair.

Polycom UCS 5.0.0 BToE Installation

Not all of the various log setting are set via the Skype PS command, so you many still need to manually set via the web interface or use a provisioning server to set the other log items. Bgoe reset factory reset of the devices resolves, but not doing that for devices, but leaving SIP logging level set to 2 fixed the BToE issue. This turns out to be G Below is a code snippet you would use in your Provisioning config file s: Check the table, or the release notes guide for the settings you want, then add the additional ones either manually or through a Provisioning server process.

IF left at OFF, your provisioning server log settings will be overridden and not be applied.

Installing Polycom BToE Connector

Third, modify the Windows Registry. User Log Upload — To help troubleshoot user issues, administrators can enable or disable for users the ability to upload diagnostic logs from the phone or Web Configuration Utility and set log levels from the phone menu.

For adjusting the Global policy online, it took a good hours before it took effect on the phone.

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